Lego Bonsai

Inspired by an article on art & bonsai, at, I made this Legosai.

Pinus Sylvestris #1 WIRED

It does not get away from its trunk, but maybe thats the sollution? Do we, any??

Change alone is eternal, perpetual, immortal.
Arthur Schopenhauer

Rowan status

One more year in this pot and then it will be transplantated into a "slightly" bigger pot.

Purpur Maple

Continuing to produce images of extremely bad quality, from my IPhone, edited with Photoshop Express and Colorsplash. Quantity, not quality for the time beeing, as my main computer died a couple of days ago and i have not bothered making a new input strategy for the ixus card. Well. < good enough for logging trees.

Anyway, this is one of Øyvinds trees, as a little present on his birthday today:) Happy happy to you!

Pinus Nigra Seedling(s)

One of sixteen Pinus Nigra seedlings. All look similar to this one.

Siberian Maple progress

Second Mispel(l)

A new Cotoneaster from Pot also original bonsaipotter-craft. Aquired september 2010.

Larix Cutling

Larix Cutling in a wallsall studios pot.

Japanese Maple winter image

Still a pretty long way to go with this one, trunkchopped early 2009 and will just have to grow, grow, grow.

New pot for Fuchsia

Fuchsia repotted. This is the first Fuchsia. Gift from a friend. Got it last summer, all the other fuchsias in here until now are cutlings from this one. 

Redwood update

Out of all the redwoods that germinated from the sowing season (winter 2009-6 in total), all but two died cause due to the Damping Off fungus. They all seemed to strive but suddenly the stem itself just collapsed, close to the soil-surface. This is due to a fungus that sometimes attack trees at this point. The redwood on the image is the only one I have left outside. It germinated in the first round (winter 2009). The second one were given to another friend of mine which is keeping it outside, word is its full of life.

I also have a group planting consisting of 3 redwoods that germinated later on in the spring of 2010, they are taken care of by a friend of mine in an outside greenhouse as a failsafe IF this one should not outlive the winter outside.

Ligustrum Sinensis

Ligustrum from  Originally it was 3 times the height it is now. This training tree  has joined my club of exclusive indoor trees. Great to have material to train on while the spring is waiting around the corner. Im getting quite the hang of keeping them indoors, but the question is what will happen to them when they get outside, and when to do just that. 5.5 degrees Celsius outside here in Stavanger.

Transferred into a pot bought at mistral bonsai outside barcelona. A lot of new shoots after maybe what was 95 % of the foilage was removed.