Bonsai is:
1. Trees or shrubs, collected from nature, stores or sowed from seeds.
2. Kept year around, inside or outside, in a container.
3. Easy to maintain, provided substrate/soil, temperature, humidity and light that is natural for the tree.
4. A dynamic and rewarding combination of art & recreation.
Bonsai is not:
1. Japanese special kind of trees that are difficult to maintain.
Leaves on the beech
I followed this guide on Bonsai4me and did some initial pruning on my smallest beech. All the buds resulted in 5 leaves each so i cut most of them down to 2-3. Here are the result:

Rowan Yamadori (ASH yamadori - red 3. june 2009)
Later found out that this is not rowan after all but an ash tree, the latin name for it is Fraxinus excelsior The same day i brought home my new norwegian maple, I found this little rowan growing beside it.
Seems to be some potential for deadwood on this one. It also have a total of four trunks, so it will be an interesting project I think.
Norwegian: http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rogn English: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rowan

Seems to be some potential for deadwood on this one. It also have a total of four trunks, so it will be an interesting project I think.

Acer pseudoplatanus
This tiny stick was picked up from around mosvannet a couple of days ago. I guess its not the right time of year to do that but what the heck, a hobby is a hobby. Nice yamadori traning anyway. I got all the roots with me and in a couple of years this norwegian maple may may even prove to be a bonsai. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acer_pseudoplatanus

Spring pictures 3
Spring pictures 2
Acer Palmatum
Acer Pamatum Atropurpureum, look at the tiny buds, just where i planned them to be
My newest larch, 1 month old yamadori, not a perfect shape, but it will do. I threw away my last one since it was pretty much dead from the treatment i gave it this winter:(

My first yamadori EVER. The only scrub that has survived the winter. In one years time this has survived over a dozen murder-attempts. Overheating, overdarkening, overwatering, overfeeding etc. etc. It just wont die.
New shoots on my scrub.

My first yamadori EVER. The only scrub that has survived the winter. In one years time this has survived over a dozen murder-attempts. Overheating, overdarkening, overwatering, overfeeding etc. etc. It just wont die.

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