Leaves on the beech

I followed this guide on Bonsai4me and did some initial pruning on my smallest beech. All the buds resulted in 5 leaves each so i cut most of them down to 2-3. Here are the result:

Rowan Yamadori (ASH yamadori - red 3. june 2009)

Later found out that this is not rowan after all but an ash tree, the latin name for it is Fraxinus excelsior The same day i brought home my new norwegian maple, I found this little rowan growing beside it.
Seems to be some potential for deadwood on this one. It also have a total of four trunks, so it will be an interesting project I think.
Norwegian: http://no.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rogn English: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rowan

Acer pseudoplatanus

This tiny stick was picked up from around mosvannet a couple of days ago. I guess its not the right time of year to do that but what the heck, a hobby is a hobby. Nice yamadori traning anyway. I got all the roots with me and in a couple of years this norwegian maple may may even prove to be a bonsai. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Acer_pseudoplatanus

Spring pictures 3

Larix, extreme closeup. The Kroatian rocks in my beech pot.
My second beech yamadori, (has not got its own project yet)
The beeches are alive and well
Can this work? I do not know the english word (poding) maybe it is grafting???

Spring pictures 2

Acer Palmatum Acer Pamatum Atropurpureum, look at the tiny buds, just where i planned them to be
My newest larch, 1 month old yamadori, not a perfect shape, but it will do. I threw away my last one since it was pretty much dead from the treatment i gave it this winter:(

My first yamadori EVER. The only scrub that has survived the winter. In one years time this has survived over a dozen murder-attempts. Overheating, overdarkening, overwatering, overfeeding etc. etc. It just wont die.
New shoots on my scrub.

Spring pictures 1

Acer Ginalla buds Acer Palmatum in bloom