Siberian Maple going Moyogi: Step 1

Earlier, at for the time being last workshop in Stavanger Bonsaiforening, I repotted this Acer Ginalla due to the soggy mud it was residing in. It is also infected with some red fungus that it cant seem to get rid of. The tree has therefore been subject to hard trunkchopping and have also had much of the infected wood removed. The fungus seems to have calmed down in the much looser and welldraining Moler/Gravel (standard BiorkSoil) that it was repotted into. I will try to follow some regular maple training on this. Giving it a new leader each or every second year, and also keep one branch at the new leaders startpoint, I hope to style it as a "MOYOGI" (Informal Upright style).
I need thinner wire fo the affection of the trees!!! Almost broke the branch because of this. Now august awaits for some cut-back of the mainleader and the new branch. Ganbatte!

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