Bonsai is:
1. Trees or shrubs, collected from nature, stores or sowed from seeds.
2. Kept year around, inside or outside, in a container.
3. Easy to maintain, provided substrate/soil, temperature, humidity and light that is natural for the tree.
4. A dynamic and rewarding combination of art & recreation.
Bonsai is not:
1. Japanese special kind of trees that are difficult to maintain.
Well now, however things were, this year has started different. I joined Stavanger Bonsaiforening and I check in at our beloved forum almost everyday to get the hang of things.
Out of the now 21 pots I have outside my backdoor in Stavanger I see a small potential in at least 7 of them, so i have decided to post some pictures of them, not so much for a growing audience, but as a kind of diary of my own hobby. Here is the list of trees I am currently interested in:
2 * Acer Palmatum
This image was taken outside Horpestad Plantesalg in Bryne. I later brought them to the workshop with David Prescott earlier this month, and both of them are now cut down to the bone.
1 * Acer Palmatum Atroporporeum
intro/image to come
1 * Acer Ginalla
intro/image to come
1 * European Larch (Larix decidua)
Now this one is my first real Yamadori, i almost drowned trying to get it in the fall of -07. I can see from this old picture that I would have saved more of the branches and the trunk if i was to cut it today. It will have to grow a few years still to become a real Bonsai, but i love this one anyway.
2 * Beech (Fagus Sylvatica)
Intro/image to come
1 * Birch (Betula "something")
One of many sticks brought down from the mountain last fall on one of my hunting sessions. This is the first tree I planted in a soil entirely made of Cat Litter and it has survived through the winter, with new green shoots now. This image was taken november -07.
So, as my story continue I will post some pictures to follow up these trees during this interesting time of year for Bonsai. See you later.