Acer Palmatum Atropurpureum #1

As earlier announced here is my Acer Palmatum Atropurpureum Project#1. You can allways access posts about this tree in the "MY PROJECTS" sections in the upper right corner. Guess you got it by now.

This one i picked up at Plantasjen in mid-March 2008. I brought a total of five Acers to the workshop with David Prescott in April this year.
This is the only Acer i have wich has a real bonsai pot. I guess the pot has not got the real color or size, but that is a science for later years, remember that I am a Bonsai Neophytt, and am enyoing my adventure as it enrolls, whether wrong or right, this or that.

Back to the tree, David saw some direct potential in it so we focused on the form of the branches and the tapering. The forms potential lies in the shapes and position of the branches. When the new shoots arrive they will sooner or later make the base for a natural Apex around the tree.
The tree was potted in 100% Acadama and enjoys about 1,5 hours of direct sun each day this time of year. Yesterday i saw the new shoots. I counted around 15 of them. To me this is an all time bonsaihigh, and I am looking forward to see the growth continued.

Oh, happy day, with all the warm days and summer just around the corner this is the best hobby in the world:)

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