Tree aid

These two trees was taken from a huge construction site nearby

The Oak has a nebari of around 8 - 10 cm and height appr. 40 cm, but I think its to late to save it. There were a few green leaves when i found it but not much left of the rootball. I consider it first aid on doomed trees.

It has been standing in a bucket of water for two weeks but all the leaves are brown now. Several branches has died, but there still are a few green ones from this year. If it lives I will have my first oak in the collection. We will see what happens in the spring. Fingers crossed.

This larch were found upside down only a few feets away from the Oak, many dead branches and brown needles. It has received the same treatment as the oak. Soaking it in a bucket of water has left the tip of many shoots green, so better hopes for this one. Measurements will follow next summer.

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